Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity Policy

Students of Rasmussen University are expected to uphold the very highest personal and business ethics. They should embrace opportunities for engaging in honest intellectual inquiry by practicing academic integrity and its five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility. The full Academic Integrity Policy can be found in the University Catalog/Academic Information and University Policies.

Reporting a Potential Violation

If you see something that you feel may constitute a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy, please submit a report.

Whether intentional or unintentional, violations of the Academic Integrity policy harm the student, the program, and the University. Rasmussen will work with students on corrective action(s) to help them understand the misconduct, deter future incidents and hold the students accountable.


Reports made through the Online Reporting System or to university personnel will be reviewed to determine if the University’s policy has been violated. While the University will attempt to keep this report confidential within the scope of its review, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed in every circumstance.

Online Reporting System

Grievance Procedures

In cases where the appeal processes have been followed, a student can escalate their concerns and initiate the grievance process.

The full university Grievance Policy and procedures can be found in the Rasmussen University catalog.

The following grievance procedure should be followed by the student:

  1. The student should first make a reasonable effort to resolve the grievance directly with the person or entity they feel caused their complaint (without placing themselves in harm) and/or complete the related appeal process.
  2. If a grievance cannot be resolved by a student’s initial reasonable effort, or if the grievance has not been resolved to the student’s satisfaction, a request for further action should be made in detailed writing to the Campus Executive Director within 10 business days of the grievance. The Campus Executive Director will initiate an investigation within 10 business days of receiving the written grievance. They will then attempt to resolve the matter and will issue a decision to the student.
  3. If a student desires to appeal the decision of the campus executive director, the University Grievance Form must be submitted to the University Grievance Officer within 15 business days of the Campus Executive Director’s decision. A response will be given within 30 business days.

Important Note: “In compliance with Minn. Stat. § 136A.65, subd. 4(13), [] no grievance initiated under this policy with an allegation(s) of school actions or conduct that would be covered under Minn. Stat. § 136A.672 [] will be resolved with a nondisclosure agreement or other contract restricting a complainant’s ability to disclose information.”


  • Information Literacy RasGuide
  • APA 7th Edition Guide

  1. Rasmussen University reserves the right to accept or deny credits according to policies outlined in the course catalog. Actual time to completion will be based upon transfer evaluation and eligibility.