January 25, 2022 (4:00 p.m.)
COVID-19 Preparedness Plan Update
In June 2020, Rasmussen University released its COVID-19 Preparedness Plan (“the Preparedness Plan”) outlining the protocols and precautions the University will follow to provide a safe and healthy learning and working environment during the pandemic.
The Preparedness Plan is a living document that is subject to change as we continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and the recommendations and guidelines set forth by local, state and federal health agencies, as well as the mandates set forth by local, state and federal government agencies.
A summary of the major changes and how they affect campus operations is outlined below. The current version of the COVID-19 Preparedness Plan can always be accessed online by clicking here.
Travel-Based Restrictions
- Updated the timeline for unvaccinated individuals returning from international or cruise ship travel to 5 days (previously 14) after travel when all other requirements are met
Self-Isolation & Quarantine Protocols
- Updated the timeline for returns to 5 days (previously 10 for isolation and 14 for quarantine) when all other requirements are met
Please direct any questions you may have to your campus’s local COVID-19 lead.