February 8, 2021 (5:00 p.m.)
COVID-19 Preparedness Plan Update
In June 2020, Rasmussen University released its COVID-19 Preparedness Plan outlining the protocols and precautions the University will follow to provide a safe and healthy learning and working environment during the pandemic.
The Preparedness Plan is a living document that is subject to change as we continue to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and the recommendations and guidelines set forth by local, state, and federal health agencies, as well as the mandates set forth by local, state, and federal government agencies.
A summary of the major changes and how they affect campus operations is outlined below. The current version of the COVID-19 Preparedness Plan (“the Plan”) can always be accessed online by clicking here .
Summary of Major Changes:
- Infection Prevention Protocols: When Rasmussen students and faculty are present in community-based clinical or practicum facilities, students and faculty are required to follow the protocols of the community-based clinical or practicum facility. Note that these site protocols may be different than the protocols for a Rasmussen facility.
- Masking Protocol: Consistent with updated CDC guidelines, face masks should be “made of two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric.” At this time, only a single mask is required.
- Updates the Plan to address expectations of students more effectively under the Cleaning and Disinfecting Protocols. Faculty and students will clean/disinfect manikins, simulators, and other simulation equipment at the start of each laboratory period and between learner groups according to the COVID-19 Cleaning Skills Lab and Simulation Equipment guide. Faculty and students will clean/disinfect non-simulation equipment, instruments, and tools used during the laboratory session at the end of the session. Faculty and students will clean/disinfect high-touch, hard surfaces at the end of each class or laboratory session.
- Updates the Plan to address the effects of the COVID-19 vaccines approved under the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization:
- Self-Screening Protocol: All are required to self-screen for signs and symptoms of COVID-19 via a Daily Self Screening Checklist ( https://www.rasmussen.edu/docs/rasmussenlibraries/pdf/Daily-Self-Screening-for-covid-19.pdf ), including those who may have received the COVID-19 vaccine wholly or in part.
Self-Quarantine Protocol: A student or employee who has received the required dose(s) of an approved COVID-19 vaccine is exempt if all the following are true: (1) Student or employee can provide to Rasmussen documentation of administration of the required dose(s) of an approved vaccine, (2) the administration date of the final dosage of vaccine is a minimum of 14 days prior to the date of close contact with an individual testing positive for COVID-19, and (3) the student or employee remains asymptomatic.
- Self-Isolation Protocol: Having received the COVID-19 vaccine wholly or in-part does not exempt a person exhibiting symptoms from the requirement to report being symptomatic or from having the self-isolation protocol imposed.
Please direct any questions you may have to your campus’s local COVID-19 Lead.